Basic functions of a computer

We live in an unmistakable digital era and it is almost impossible to think of a life without computers. We use them in nearly all everyday contexts: work, entertainment, learning, and so on. Computers do not only surround us – we are crucially dependent on them. It is, therefore, important and useful for us to have a grasp over the things that a computer does or can do. Here we will discuss some of the basic functions of a computer.
What are the basic functions performed by a computer?
The basic functions of a computer can be classified under four rubrics: input, output, processing and storage.
Input is anything that a user enters into a computer. It can be data, signal, or command. The input is inserted in raw form using input devices like keyboard, mouse, or scanner. These devices translate the input in a computer-readable binary form.
Output is the result a computer gives back to the user. When a user provides some input to a computer, the computer processes this information and returns the result through output devices like monitor, speaker, or printer. The output devices obtain the data from the processor and return it to the user in a humanly understandable form.
Processing is one of the most important function of a computer system. It is the operation where the computer processes the input provided by the user and then returns it. The CPU carries out the processing in four steps. These steps are
- Data collection
- Data input
- Data processing
- Data output
Storing all the data before and after processing is one of the core functions of a computer. The storage space of any computer stores all the data and instructions. It can be classified into primary and secondary storage.
To know more about computers and how it works head to Greater Skills. There you can learn all that you need to know about computers and technology.